Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

English task 2

I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words from the passage

1. Officials
c. people appointed or elected to an office, especially as representatives of an organization or government department
2. Mayor
b. The elected head of a city, town, or other municipalities
3. Senators
a. Members of a senate
4. Entrust
c. To know something without being able to explain how you came to that conclusion rationally.
5. Interest
a. money paid by a borrower to a lender
II. Decide whether these statement are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false one.
1. All americans can vote regardless of their age. (F)
2. Local government is in charge of writing and enforcing laws for members of its communit. (F)
3. State government protect the health and saftey of state citizens. (T)
4. Unlike local goverment, state government can print money. (F)
5. The federal government has the authority to declare war on another country.(T)
III. Short Answer
1. Local, State, and Federal.
2. The mayor and the city council members pass laws.
3. They protect the health and safety of state citizens.
4. President, Senators dan Representatives.
5. It can print money. It can negotiate with other countries. It can declare war on another country.

Name group: Teguh Erwinda (B1011171136)
                      Gregorius Barbarigo (B1011171147)
                      Teguh Ade Pangestu (B1011171141)
IV. Readeng Discussion ( group work)
1. 1. Central level. Includes presidents and vice presidents, ministers and agencies within its scope.
    2. Regional level:
A. Province consists of governor and deputy governor assisted by offices
b. Municipalities and districts are led by mayors and deputy mayors or regents and vice regents, assisted by agencies, sub-district, urban village and village head, hamlet and neighbourhood.
2. Alabana, alaska, arizona, arkansas, california, south carolina, north carolina, colorado, connecticut, south dakota, norht dakota, delaware, florida,georgia, hawaii, idaho, illinois, indiana, lowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, mississipi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new hampshire, new jersey, new mexico, new york, ohio, oklahoma,oregon, pennsylvania, rhode island, tennessee, texas, utah, vermont, virgiana, washington, west virgiana, wisconsin, wyoming.
3.aceh, bali, banten, bengkulu, gorontalo, jakarta, jambi, south java, west jawa, central java, east java, west borneo, east borneo, north borneo, south borneo, bangka belitung, riau, lampung, maluku, north maluku, west nusa tenggara, east nusa tenggara, papua, west papua, west sulawesi, south sulawesi, central ssulawesi, southeast sulawesi , north sulawesi, west sumatra, south sumatra, north sumatra, yogyakarta
4. the Indonesian and US governmental systems are in principle equally presidential. Government control (executive) in the hands of the president; and at the same time the president is also the head of state.
Clearly, President SBY is the Head of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Barack Obama is the Head of the United States Superpower. Both men have the right to decide war with other countries.

The term of the presidency in Indonesia is 5 years, in the US is 4 years.

But there are different "small" things, namely that in NKRI according to existing law, still open opportunity for pemekaran district / city, whereas in the US pemekaran area is ALREADY CLOSED, alias full employee. In the US there is no more regional expansion, or create a new district (district).

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Make Your Dream is Real

“The future is only the property of those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Dreams are ambitions from within the human being that moves forward. Dreams are a passion that will move people to make it happen. The world is growing with a higher civilization and the greater technology thanks to the dreams of great people. The big ones are dreamers.

Those who have no dream left many things offered by life. Their desire or persistence is easy to fade, so they easily change their dreams to be very simple. In fact, the big dream has great strength too. The people who have managed to record names in the average history have a distinctive character that is always able to update their dreams.
So what about my dreams, the many dreams and ambitions I want, but the most important thing now is getting an bachelor degree, then after I get that I want to work in a government office or a well-known bank in Indonesian. Not only that, I also have a small dream I want to realize, such as having a camera to support my photography hobby, replacing my old phone with a new smartphone, getting A driving license, becoming a famous youtuber, becoming a professional singer, becoming a model , and much more.

But there are some dreams that I realize because of my hard work, joined the drumband unit in 2016. A little story at the time of drumband unit selection I almost gave up because there is so much I want. Stop in the middle of the road, but strong to achieve that dream I kept wanting to achieve it because my dream when I was sitting in elementary school.

The key to happiness is to have a dream. While the key to success is to realize the dream. George Lucas says, "Dreams are extremely important. You can not do it unless you imagine it.

So do not be afraid to dream of something. Make the dream a breath of life. For strong dreams it makes a great struggle when it comes to being a means of exercising to optimize other forces, such as emotional, physical, or spiritual strength.

Kamis, 05 Oktober 2017

lets the Picture explain

Location: kubu raya, kalimantan barat
Quburesort merupakan kawasan Taman Wisata Rekreasi sebagai Objek Wisata yang terpadu berbasis lingkungan, budaya, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Objek Wisata terbaru di Kalimanatan Barat, khususnya bertempat di Jl. Arteri Supadio No.16, Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Kubu Raya (depan Komp. Pondok Indah Lestari). QUBU RESORT adalah perwujudan nuansa Tropical Meningkatkan keselarasan, keserasian, dan keseimbangan pada kawasan Taman Wisata Rekreasi. Di daerah ini akan dibangun bebrbagai tempat seperti waterpark, foodcourt, cafe&bar, function hall, resort, dsb.

Quburesort is a Recreational Park as an integrated tourism object based on environment, culture, and community empowerment. Recent Tourism Objects in West Kalimantan, especially located at Jl. Supadio Supadio No.16, Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Kubu Raya (front of Pondok Indah Lestari). QUBU RESORT is the embodiment of tropical nuance Enhance harmony, harmony, and balance in recreational park area. In this area will be built bebrbagai place like waterpark, foodcourt, cafe & bar, function hall, resort, etc ..

Location: pontianak, kalimantan barat.

Monumen Sebelas Digulis Kalimantan Barat, disebut juga sebagai Tugu Digulis atau Tugu Bambu Runcing atau Tugu Bundaran Untanoleh warga setempat, merupakan sebuah monumen yang terletak di Bundaran Universitas Tanjungpura, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, Kelurahan Bansir Laut, Kecamatan Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak.
Monumen yang diresmikan oleh Gubernur Kalimantan Barat H. Soedjiman pada 10 November 1987 ini pada awalnya berbentuk sebelas tonggak menyerupai bambu runcingyang berwarna kuning polos. Pada tahun 1995, monumen ini dicat ulang dengan warna merah-putih. Penggunaan warna merah-putih ini menjadikan sebagian warga menganggap monumen ini lebih mirip lipstik daripada bambu runcing. Kemudian, pada tahun 2006 dilakukan renovasi pada monumen ini sehingga berbentuk lebih mirip bambu runcing seperti penampakan saat ini.
Monumen ini didirikan sebagai peringatan atas perjuangan sebelas tokoh Sarekat Islamdi Kalimantan Barat, yang dibuang ke Boven Digoel, Irian Barat karena khawatir pergerakan mereka akan memicu pemberontakan terhadap pemerintah Hindia Belanda di Kalimantan. Tiga dari sebelas tokoh tersebut meninggal pada saat pembuangan di Boven Digoel dan lima di antaranya wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor. Nama-nama kesebelas tokoh tersebut kini diabadikan juga sebagai nama jalan di Kota Pontianak. Kesebelas pejuang itu antara lain:
Achmad Marzuki, asal Pontianak, meninggal karena sakit dan dimakamkan di makam keluarga;
Achmad Su'ud bin Bilal Achmad, asal Ngabang, wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor;
Gusti Djohan Idrus, asal Ngabang, wafat dalam pembuangan di Boven Digoel;
Gusti Hamzah, asal Ketapang, wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor;
Gusti Moehammad Situt Machmud, asal gabang, wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor;
Gusti Soeloeng Lelanang, asal Ngabang, wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor;
Jeranding Sari Sawang Amasundin aliasJeranding Abdurrahman, asal Melapi, Kapuas Hulu, meninggal karena sakit di Putussibau.
Haji Rais bin H. Abdurahman, asal Banjarmasin, wafat dalam Peristiwa Mandor;
Moehammad Hambal alias Bung Tambal, asal Ngabang, wafat dalam pembuangan di Boven Digoel;
Moehammad Sohor, asal Ngabang, wafat dalam pembuangan di Boven Digoel; dan
Ya' Moehammad Sabran, asal Ngabang, meninggal karena sakit.
Monument Eleven West Kalimantan Digulis, also known as Tugu Digulis or Tugu Bambu Runcing or Tugu Roundabout Monument by local residents, is a monument located at the roundabout of Tanjungpura University, Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, Kelurahan Bansir Laut, Pontianak Southeast District, Pontianak City. History Edit The monument inaugurated by West Borneo Governor H. Soedjiman on November 10, 1987 was originally shaped eleven milky bamboo-like milestone. In 1995, this monument was repainted in red and white. The use of red-white color makes some people think this monument more like lipstick than a pointed bamboo. Then, in 2006 renovation was done on this monument so it shaped more like a pointed bamboo like the current appearance. This monument was established as a reminder of the struggle of eleven Sarekat Islam figures in West Kalimantan, who were exiled to Boven Digoel, West Irian for fear that their movement would spark a rebellion against the Dutch East Indies government in Kalimantan. Three of the eleven figures died at the time of exile in Boven Digoel and five of them died in the Mandor Events. The names of the eleven figures are now immortalized as well as the name of the street in the city of Pontianak. The 11 fighters include:
Achmad Marzuki, from Pontianak, died of illness and was buried in a family tomb
Achmad Su'ud bin Bilal Achmad, from Ngabang, died in the Events of the Mandor Gusti Djohan Idrus, from Ngabang, died in exile in Boven Digoel
Gusti Hamzah, of Ketapang origin, died in the Mandor Incident
Gusti Moehammad Situt Machmud, of origin, died in the Mandor Incident;Gusti Soeloeng Lelanang, from Ngabang, died in the Mandor Events
Jeranding Sari Amasundin aka Jeranding Abdurrahman, Melapi origin, Kapuas Hulu, died of illness in Putussibau.
Haji Rais bin H. Abdurahman, of Banjarmasin, died in the Mandor Incident Moehammad Hambal aka Bung Tambal, from Ngabang, died in exile in Boven Digoel
Moehammad Sohor, from Ngabang, died in exile in Boven Digoeland
Ya Moehammad Sabran, from Ngabang, died of illness.

Location : pontianak, kalimantan barat

Rumah Radank adalah sebutan untuk rumah panjang suku Dayak Kanayatn di provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Walaupun hanya sebuah Imitasi, tetapi rumah Betang ini, cukup aktif dalam menampung aktivitas kaum muda dan sanggar seni Dayak.
Radakng house is a term for the long house of the Dayak tribe of Kanayatn in the province of West Kalimantan. Although only an Imitation, but this house Betang, quite active in accommodating the activities of young and Dayak art studio.

Location: siantan pontianak, kalimantan barat

Tugu Khatulistiwa atau Equator Monument berada di Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Lokasinya berada sekitar 3 km dari pusat Kota Pontianak, ke arah kota Mempawah.
Tugu ini menjadi salah satu ikon wisata Kota Pontianak dan selalu dikunjungi masyarakat, khususnya wisatawan yang datang ke Kota Pontianak.
Sejarah mengenai pembangunan tugu ini dapat dibaca pada catatan yang terdapat di dalam gedung.
Monument located on Jalan Khatulistiwa, Pontianak Utara, West Kalimantan Province. The location is about 3 km from downtown Pontianak, towards the city Mempawah. This monument became one of the tourist icon of Pontianak City and always visited by people, especially tourists who come to the city of Pontianak. History of the construction of this monument can be read on the note contained in the building.

Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

English task

English task
Name : Teguh Erwinda
Class : D

Task 1 : Reading text " Understanding the American Education System"

Task 2 : list of difficult vocabulary
1. Graduating : lulus
2. Awarded : diberikan
3. Bachelor degree : gelar sarjana
4. Required : wajib
5. Pursuit : pengajaran
6. Commonly : biasanya
7. Prerequisite : prasyarat
8. Extremely : sangat
9. Discover : menemukan
10. Switching : beralih

Task 3
Part 1. Circle the corret meaning for each of the following words in the passage
1. Dagree
• a. A legal grade of crime of offense, especially a murder.
• b. A unit in any various scales of temperature, intensity, or hardness
(c). A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studies in higher education
2. Course
• a. The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road or river.
(b). A series of lectures of lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification.
• c. A dish, or a set of dish served together, forming one of the successive parts of a meal.
3. Switch
(a). Change
• b. Control
• c. Create
4. Excel
(a). To show superiority
• b. To show inferiority
• c. To show mediocrity

Part 2. Decide whether these statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ). Correct the false one
1. In the united states, children began their primary school at the age of seven ( F )
2. Another name for middle school is junior high school. ( T )
3. Students who finish grade 12 will receive a diploma. ( T )
4. A community college is a four-year college. ( T )
5. A student usually decides on his/her major as soon as he/she graduates from high school. ( T )
6. Many students choose to take their prerequisite courses at a four-year college. ( F )
7. A major is an academic disipline to which an undergraduatr student formally commits. ( T )
8. The american education system is very rigid system. ( F )

Part 3. Provide brief answers to the following question.
1. What is an associate of arts (AA)?
2. Name five common prerequisite courses!
3. Provide an example of a major?
4. What is the name of the degree awarded to students who pass their four-years college education?
5. What is college or university study known as?

Answer . ,
1.many students choose to study ar a community college in order to complete the first two years of prerequisite courses. The will earn an associate of arts (AA) transfer degree and then transfer to a four-year university or college.
2.literature, science, the social sciences, the arts , history.
3.if someone's major is journalism , they will earn a bachelor of arts in journalism.
4. Bachelor's degree
5. Higher education

Part 4 . Reading discussion ( Group work)
Name of group:
1. Federika yeni B1011171156
2. Teguh ade pangestu B1011171141
3. Teguh erwinda B1011171136
4. Trifonia meryanti ela B1011171137

1. How is the college/university system in the U.S different from the college/university system in indonesia?
2. Which one do you prefer: to decide on your major early in your college year or later?
3. What major will you choose for college and why?
4. What do you think can be improved from the college/university system in indonesia?

1. American are very individualistic , informal , treat everybody actually regardless of age or position, are future based thinkers and are devoted to competition
Indonesian culture is quite different.
Indonesian give great respect to older people and consider competition appropriate for athletics.
2.we must choose majors at the beginning of the year, because Choosing a college majors can be just as hard as choosing the college itself. Students are told that majors can help us choose a course at the beginning of the year because it will determine a person's career, that they are directly correlated with how much money students earn after they graduate
3. Economic aand business, this is a major reason why businesses are important for a country is economic. Businesses are also the means by which many people get their jobs. Businesses create job opportunities because they need people to produce and sell their goods and services to consumers
4. Which is done improving the education system which in 8 national education standards are:
1. Competence of graduation
2. Contents of education
3. Education process
4. Educators and education
5. Facilities and infrastructure
6. Management or management of education
7. Financing education
8. Educational assessment 

It's me

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb 
welcome to those of you who have visited my blog. if you want to know more let me tell you a little about me.
Sekadau 29 may 1999. it was a historic day for me, why? because it was my birthday. I am the son of the couple Mr. H. Abang Nasir and mrs Hj. Dayang Julida.
I am the second child of 4 siblings.

my name is Teguh Erwinda. I am a Muslim. my nickname is koko yaps koko but it is not chocolate ya hehe. I live in mungguk sekadau hilir, west kalimantan.

about my education history, I attended elementary school 17 mungguk then continue to higher level that is junior high school in Madrasah tsanawiyah sekadau  and go to senior high school in senior high school country 1 sekadau. I am a lazy student, why? because I never participated in Scout activities. but I know it is fun and educational. after graduating senior high school i feel sorry not to join scout.

go to my hobby, I am a person who love, music, singing, drawing, taking pictures, and playing games, but from the many hobbies I have there is a hobby that makes me feel very lucky it is music. because I joined drumband dikpora 2016 to lead the way flag ceremony 17 August at the regent's office. then I am also a photo lover because in my opinion it can express myself. then my goal is to be someone who works in the bank or work in the government office.

after graduating high school I went to college in pontianak that is UNTAN. I entered the faculty of economics and business majoring in economics. in pontianak i live with my cousin and my friend.

may be quite a few brief introductions from me, if there is a mistake in saying I apologize a lot .
thank you so much 
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

English conversation about own blog

Name: Teguh Erwinda( B1011171136) & Juliana Herling ( B1011171144) Tg: hello juli? How are you? Jl: fine. How about you? Tg: me too....